Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sabbath Moments - The Rosary and Grace

Colleen at Thoughts on Grace is the host of the weekly meme, Sabbath Moments. These are moments when we live in the present and "let go and let God".

It's been a bit of a hectic week filled with babysitting and caring for my own family. There are times I get frazzled and wonder how I can find quiet time to spend with the Lord or even time to post for that matter. One thing that never fails to calm me when I am lacking peace is the Rosary. Grace, grace, grace every time I pray it. It's uncanny how I can go from feeling as if everything is falling apart to calm, peaceful, and collected after praying the Rosary. It never ceases to amaze me! It's like an instant "attitude adjustment". Since it's difficult to attend daily Mass or Adoration during the summer I often sense God asking me to pray the Rosary instead. He "nudges" me.  I can't bring my daughter and my sister's children to Mass because it's just too difficult for the younger kids to do and I can't cart them all up to Communion with me. The Rosary and the Bible are my "weapons of choice" during the summer months! I also spend time with the Lord before I go to sleep. The Lord is purifying my mind lately (always really, but amping it up recently) and I had a dream last night that God told me that He was "simplifying my thought life" which made me smile because I tend to overthink things and this will really help me. Simplify away, Lord, and thank you for doing it!


  1. Sounds like you have good "weapons of choice" for dealing with stress! And my own thought life could probably use some simplifying... not an easy thing to do! I wonder how the great mystics/contemplatives did it!

    Be blessed!


  2. I'm a bit behind...glad your daughter and nephew are OK. Glad to hear that the Lord is "simplyfing" your thought life...I am a bit of an overthinker myself! Peace & Blessings...

  3. Evan, Mary, and Colleen,
    Thank you for your comments. I have been working on my thoughts for many years trying to "capture my thoughts in Christ" and I guess the Lord really likes simplicity in this area and is saying my mind is too cluttered (lol)!

  4. I admit I've missed your posting, but I understand the need to back off, or "let go and let God". Keeping things simple is being God-like, I think. We don't have to go down twisting and turning rabbit holes to find Him. He is out there and in us. We just need to form the habit of seeing and hearing. Simple, but not easy.
