Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sabbath Moments - Attitude Adjustment

Sabbath Moments is a weekly meme hosted by Colleen at Thoughts on Grace. These are the times when we live in the present moment and find the holy in the ordinary.

 Michaela was on vacation this week and I spent most of my time with her. We played together, read together, did errands together - you get the picture I'm sure. And by the time Thursday rolled around I was completely irritated I must admit. Frazzled and ready to pull my hair out. I didn't want to feel this way but I couldn't seem to help myself. The truth of the matter is:

Too much playing makes me cranky and grumpy.

There, I said it. Embarrassing as it is to admit.

 I was "played" out.  Trying to find any prayer time was very difficult. Friday morning when I woke up I prayed my morning offering and asked God for the grace to "get through the day". What a pitiful prayer! I was embarrassed by my selfishness and not very surprised when the words, "I want you to SEE what's right in front of you" came back at me. Whether these words were from me or God was beside the point as I felt the immediate conviction that my priorities were out of line. Praying to "get through the day" is a bit insulting to God and definitely ungrateful. I changed my prayer after this to "Please grant me the grace to enjoy this extra time with my daughter, O Lord,and to be thankful for this wonderful day before me." After praying this way my grumpiness lifted and I had a great day!

It's important to start the day with the right attitude. When I have a "bad attitude" in the morning it tends to spill over to the rest of the day and I know it's not pleasing to God. Each day is a wonderful gift to be treasured and I was ashamed of my "get through the day" prayer. I have been blessed with a wonderful little girl and spending time with her should never be thought of as anything less than the gift it is.

Thank you for the "wake up" call, Lord.


  1. Wonderful insight, Mary. No matter how bad things look for us, if we have the attitude that God is blessing us in some way, things change for the better in our hearts.

  2. Well put, Barb! I have also noticed that it's important for me to set the tone for the household in the morning. If I'm a bit out of sorts it seems as if it makes the others that way too :)
    I learned this the hard way (lol)!

  3. Great perspective Mary. I took some notes for myself on this one ;)

    God Bless

  4. That makes good sense, Colleen! And, yes, He adjusted my attitude pretty quickly :) Good thing, too!

  5. Thanks for visiting, Michael. May God bless you too!

  6. You're so right. So much when I was working I prayed "just to get through the day." We don't need God for that, we can muddle through things on our own and chances are we won't have a nervous breakdown (not today anyway!). But we should ask God for wonderful, beautiful things. I'm going to try to remember this when I'm back at work and not feelin' it, so to speak :-)

  7. Why is it that children have more energy than grown-ups?

    And they don't like vegetables either!!!

    Therefore, logically speaking, vegetables are not good for you!

    God bless.

  8. Hi Maria,
    It's doesn't say much about the Lord when we pray to just get through the day, does it ? It implies that what He sends is a burden instead of a blessing :)

  9. Victor,
    I've often wondered the same thing! It seems as if it should be the other way around :)

    As for the veggie thing:
    Maybe they have a point when it comes to some of them. Artichokes come to mind here...they don't just make Artie choke you know ;)

    Sorry, that was pretty bad! (Grin)

  10. Dear JBR,
    I am praying for you, my friend. I know you are having a very difficult time and I am thinking about you. God bless you, JBR.
