Monday, May 3, 2010

The Divine Physician - Jesus heals!

As many of you may know I have suffered from an undiagnosed illness since childhood. No doctor that I ever went to could say with certainty what was wrong with me. Over the years the muscle pain and weakness increased until it affected every muscle in my body from head to toe, including the eye muscles, throat muscles (difficulty swallowing) and chest muscles which caused breathing difficulties. Even as an infant I had difficulty breathing and was tested for Cystic Fibrosis which came out negative. Yesterday, I not only found out about my illness but was healed during a healing service.

Those who live in the Northeast have probably heard of Father Ralph DiOrio, the priest with the great gift of healing. God has used Father DiOrio to heal thousands.... and I am now one of them. Yesterday I attended a Mass and healing service in Sturbridge, Massachusetts where Father DiOrio often practices his ministry.  About 150 - 200 people attended the service and I sat in the back of the church with my brother and a friend. Father DiOrio prepares for the healing services the night before and God gives him "words of knowledge" about the illnesses and diseases which will be cured the next day. During prayer Father received a word that Jesus was going to cure someone with a rare disease called Myasthenia Gravis which Father had never heard of before. Trusting  the Lord, he looked up this mysterious disease to find out more about it.
Myasthenia Gravis is a chronic autoimmune neuromuscular disease that affects the muscles in the body, it also affects the thymus gland. A person could have a relatively mild case that only affects the face or a more severe one that affects the entire body including deep internal muscles. Because there were two unusual diseases that the Lord mentioned to Him Father DiOrio brought the words before the Blessed Sacrament. He also fasted before the service. The Lord assured him that the names of the two diseases were correct and
Father had no doubts.

I was seated at the end of a pew and as Father walked in He gave my hand a little squeeze. He said Mass and talked a bit about the healings that were going to occur that day including the two that He had never heard of. When He mentioned Myasthenia Gravis the fire of the Holy Spirit rushed through my body - but I still didn't really understand what it was. Father tried to explain that it was a neuromuscular disease that can also affect the eyesight and cause headaches and pain in the body. He walked around the room sprinkling everyone with Holy Water. When he came to our pew, he sprinkled us and touched my right shoulder. The pain left this shoulder. When Father heals Christ takes over his body completely. Jesus is the Divine Physician, Father is the vehicle through whom this healing gift is expressed. During the last part of the service He walked around the Church calling certain people out into the aisle that he then annointed with Holy Oil. As He came toward the back of the church he looked me right in the eye and called me into the aisle. It was like looking into the eyes of Jesus. My vision doubled (a common symptom of Myasthena Gravis) and my head hurt as well as other body parts. He reached me and annointed my head with oil and DOWN I WENT. Slain in the Holy Spirit! When I got up I knew I was healed! The Holy Spirit started working and freeing my body from pain. As the Holy Spirit touched different areas of my body I would feel heat. This went on for the rest of the day, throughout the night, and even continues now as I write this post.

My brother and Theresa witnessed my healing and we were all dying to know more about Myasthena Gravis (well, especially yours truly :) ). My car was at my parents house and we went in and had my dad look it up. The symptoms read like the story of my life. You all can probably imagine my joy and excitement! The doctors may not have known what was wrong with me, I may not have known...but Jesus did and freed my body from this disease. Praise the holy name of Jesus!

Here is a site which gives some information on Myasthena Gravis :
It makes me wonder how many others unknowingly suffer from this disease.

Jesus, I thank you and praise you for the healing you have brought to me. I place all of my brothers and sisters in Christ who are in pain in your beloved hands. May you reach out and heal them both spiritually and physically. I love you and praise you dearest Jesus - for by your stripes we were healed. Amen


  1. Mary I am speechless with delight for you! What a great great testimony to a great great God. I am humbled. I have no words. This is very encouraging and what a milestone and watershed for you!

  2. Thanks, Pip! Isn't God good! I feel incredible! I didn't know what regular people felt like so this is amazing to me :)

  3. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!!

  4. Sarah,
    I am bowled over by the greatness of our Lord!

  5. Thanks, Colleen :) I was so excited that I couldn't wait to share it! Hugs to you, too :) And I won't forget you in my prayers tonight.

  6. Praise the Lord Mary. I'm happy for you.
    Thanks for sharing this wonderful witness of yor healing with us.

  7. Mary,
    What a blessing to be able to attend this healing Mass and to be healed as well! Jesus truly is the Divine Physician. I agree with everyone else- the only words that seem to fit are Praise Him!
    God Bless and may you enjoy good health always!

  8. Down on my knees I go once again. This time to pray in thanksgiving for your recovery.

    Praise the Lord and thanx always.

    God bless you dear friend.

  9. Tears streaming down my face. Oh Mary, what a wondrous thing! How free you must feel and how awed by our awesome God. You'll sleep good now sweetie! I am so so so happy for you - and your husband and daughter who must be thrilled.
    ((((Great big hug))))

  10. Life is such a mystery, as you probably know I too am suffering from an immune system which is attacking my body, this is not fun. Actually very painful and I find myself becoming so discouraged at have given me hope Mary, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    .........:-) Hugs

  11. Wow, Mary, God is truly good!
    How wonderful!
    I'm speechless. Jesus must have been touched by your great faith.
    This Father DiOrio reminds me of Padre Pio.

  12. Thank you all for your wonderful comments! I am feeling better each day :)I knew my friends would be happy for me and I couldn't wait to share the good news! My family is excited too. I think it was hard for them to watch me suffer so much. I thank everyone who prayed for me. Prayer is powerful and God hears them loud and clear! Michaela is thrilled! She can hop on her mom's lap without her mom saying ouch :)

  13. Gabriella,
    Yes, Father DiOrio reminds me of Padre Pio, too. Interesting that you should note that as my mom told me that Father D. has the stigmata but he asked that it not be visible. When I think of these two great priests I can see how the meaning of the words "persona Christi" fits. Christ shines through them.

  14. What a wonderful blessing...saying prayers of thankgiving!!

  15. Mary...what a true miracle from God! I am so thrilled that you a free of pain! Praise God!

  16. Nancy,
    Isn't it awesome! Our God is an awesome God!

  17. Mary, I am so happy for you! Who would have thought you had Myasthenia Gravis! But I have to wonder about all the doctors you saw - it is uncommon but not so uncommon that somebody should not have suspected. No wonder the steroids made you feel better.

    God is so merciful. He spent all that time getting you ready to do the next big job He has for you! But enjoy your good health. Maybe I should travel east to attend one of this priest's Masses! Meanwhile I'll say some prayers of thanksgiving. You've just been let out of jail with the best "Get out of Jail Free" card - a miracle.

  18. Hello Mary, I am JUST reading your story of healing...I am FLABBERGASTED by your story. TRULY, amazing. God bless you & your witness to God's presence that was meant for all of us to learn and grow from! I hope you have continued health.

  19. Liz,
    To be honest, it flabbergasted me too! I knew God was preparing me for something, I had been having unusual dreams in the week or so before the healing but I was still shocked when I got healed! I haven't had one breathing crisis since and my body is SOOOO much stronger. I rarely get sick anymore - I used to catch everything under the sun and headaches are few and far between like regular people. You know what's funny? When God healed me He threw in two "bonus" healings that I was too embarrassed to mention in my post: I had a large sebaceous cyst on my head that I never had removed because it involved having a two inch area of my head shaved - well, after having the cyst for over twenty years it was gone within three days of the healing service and so was my toenail fungus! LOL! I guess God likes to be thorough! This really made me laugh :)

    Thank you for commenting, Liz. God is very good...and He also has a great sense of humor :) Who would bother healing toenail fungus?! God must realize how hard that stuff is to get rid of! Too funny!

  20. This is both exciting and wonderful! Thanks for sharing your miraculous healing!

  21. This is very encouraging to hear - my sibling has this disease. Praying that he will be healed.

