Friday, January 18, 2013

The Finger of God

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts become troubled or afraid." John 14:27

I've been meditating on this verse from John for many years now. When God first drew me back to himself I used to beg and plead for his peace daily. God would give it to me but I would lose it again easily as the cares and anxieties of the world set back in.

The Lord's peace... oh, how I craved this. The finger of God upon my heart always.

This is the precious gift I've longed for my entire life...this peace that surpasses all understanding. I reached for it but it kept slipping through my fingers. I could not grasp it, I leaked grace like a broken vessel. Because I was (and am) a broken vessel.

I didn't know that God especially treasures broken things. That He tossed aside his crown and came down to earth to save what was broken.

I didn't understand that He gave his peace to broken men.

 God wants us to have peace during our earthly journey. When Jesus gave his peace to his disciples they were far from perfect so this peace isn't dependent on your "idea of perfection". No, this peace flows from the understanding that God loves us dearly. It's a gift to his beloved sons and daughters. He treasures each and every one of us and knows who we are and who He created us to be. In order to trust in God's picture of us, we first need to throw out all the false pictures that others have painted for us over the years. And the ones we have painted for ourselves.

Toss them out like the garbage they are.

But what if we think that others just may be correct in the way they see us?

They can't be correct because they can only see a tiny piece of who you are.  Without seeing and knowing the deepest part of you they cannot have this kind of understanding of who you are.

You are not who others think you are, no one knows you but God. We become layered with other people's misconceptions of us until we cannot even see ourselves anymore. They form clouds over our hearts blocking out the full light of God's love.

Ask the Lord to reveal your true self. It may be gradual (or not), but God will show you that only His perception of you is the true one. And you are His child. Counterattack your unloving thoughts about yourself with the knowledge that He loves you. He loves you with an infinite love. Believe in this. It is total truth. Let Him love you; you were created to live in this love. This love is the firm foundation of your entire existence. Let your life flow outward from this base of love and things will run much more smoothly. We place in our path so many obstacles to receiving the clear light of the Holy Spirit and this need not be so.

Remember to treat yourself with the same mercy that God treats you with. God is incredibly merciful to us and so, we too, must treat his creation lovingly...which includes ourselves.

May the finger of God be upon you always.


  1. Peace is what He wishes for us. Christ always greeted people with the words "Peace be with you".

    God bless.

  2. Amen!
    And there will be no peace in this world until peace reigns in our hearts first.

    God bless you too, Victor!

  3. It was lovely to read this, Mary. I sometimes think that I lose my peace when I stop trusting and, when I do feel that sense of peace, I feel really strong.

    After reading this, I realised how much I've missed your wisdom, Mary!

    God bless, my friend:-)

  4. Hi Vicky! It's good to hear from you!

    I hope you and your family are well. I've missed seeing you around the blogosphere. And I miss laughing with you!

    God bless you too :)

  5. Sweet peace, so needed in the world, so welcome to the heart and spirit. Blessings and peace to you, Mary!

  6. Anabelle @ Written by the Finger of GodJanuary 21, 2013 at 10:41 AM

    Mary, I read this over the weekend and was delighted to read that's what the finger of God is about. I mulled it over and over re-read your reflection today. It's spoken to me more than you can possibly imagine. Thank you.

  7. Hi Connie,
    Amen! blessings and peace to you too!

  8. Hi Anabelle,
    I'm glad this post spoke to you, my friend. Sorry to steal half your blog name ;) It fit the post well and I love to think of the finger of God touching my heart.
