Saturday, May 15, 2010

GOLDEN DROPS - The wisdom of Father Ignatius

Victor S E Moubarak at Time for Reflections has written a new e- book called GOLDEN DROPS - The Wisdom of Father Ignatius. This book is available at no cost to all those who wish to read it. It is a compilation of Father Ignatius stories (my favorite fictional priest) and is a treasury of wisdom and knowledge. I read the entire book in one sitting and every single story touched my heart. Victor is also the author of the book Visions which you can purchase here. I highly recommend both! Click on the links to find out more!


  1. Thank you Mary for your kindness to me.

    God bless you and your family.

  2. Thank YOU, Victor! This book is a gem!

  3. I was just in adoration on Fri and saw somebody with this book! Thanks for the leads and dedication to encouraging all things positive :)

  4. The stories in Victor's book are beautiful and point upwards to God rather than downwards at ourselves. It's easy to see God's hand in his writing, this is why I find so much wisdom in his stories.

  5. I confirm - they are truly beautiful stories and very well written.

  6. Just finished it and loved it too!
