Friday, January 10, 2014

"Sticky" notes

Ice cream goes in the freezer

Ice cream goes in the freezer

Ice cream goes in the freezer

Note to self: clean the cabinet


  1. Laughing (oh forgive me!), laughing, laughing.... and again, as I read your "label." Yep. Sounds about right. I'll be kind and not tell you that it gets wor.... um... that life gets even more interesting when the "peri" is 986439 42replaced with "post."

  2. is it an extra sign of the post part when the captcha shows up in the middle of one's comment? Wonder if that will happen again this time...

  3. te-he
    Been there done that. I couldn't find the Pledge I had been dusting with for days, and something smelled in the pantry. You guessed it. Ice cream in the pantry, Pledge in the freezer!

  4. Thanks for the chuckle, Mary!!! I miss your regular presence on the blogosphere. You bring so many smiles as well as so much inspiration. Thanks for all that you do!

  5. Hi Nancy,
    You said you would be kind and NOT tell me that it gets worse but you DID tell Seriously, I can only hope that it doesn't get worse since I am about half as intelligent as I used to be and verrrry spacey. And I mean scary spacey. Good thing blogger has spell check because I just spelled spacey wrong too. Wouldn't want you all to think that a little word like spacey is beyond me....

  6. Oh, and yes it IS an extra sign of the "post" part when the captcha shows up in the middle of one's comment.

  7. Hi Mallory,
    You too, huh? Well, at least your freezer smelled good...

    You dust that often? What? Do you forget that you dusted the day before? Lol.

    (Great, now I have something else to worry about.)

  8. Hi Anne,
    You are getting a free preview of what life will be like in a few years :) I have to write notes to myself or nothing will get done. Though, come to think about it, I would like to have Mallory visit for a few days and shine up my house...

    Thanks for visiting and for your kind words, Anne! I hope you and your family are well :)

  9. But remember, Colleen, you saved the fudge. And THAT my friend is no small thing.

    Miss you too :)

  10. Hi Mary,

    I really must stop brushing my teeth with a tube of glue !!!

    And I am NOT menopausal ... YET.

    God bless.

  11. Hi Victor,
    Yeah, the stuff tastes nasty ;) Almost as bad as Preparation H.

    (Kidding! I'm not that far gone! You DO have Preparation H there, right?)

    Count your blessings, my friend - you get to keep your brain cells. (But if mine wander off that way send them back please. I need all that I can get at this point.)

  12. Preparation H ... it is also good for shrinking the wrinkles one gets on one's face as one gets older.

    Thank Heavens for small things!

    God bless.

  13. I have to be careful though with Preparation H not to get it stuck to my beard.

  14. It shrinks the facial pores as well showing a 45% improvement in skin clarity along with the 60% reduction in wrinkle size among test subjects.

    But yes, DO watch out for the beard.

  15. Victor, I sure hope people know we are kidding

  16. I'm not ... I put some on my nose and look at it now!

  17. You mean you're NOT kidding around?! Now you tell me. Just after I've given myself a facial with the stuff. At least I don't have a beard to worry about (stops and removes warm towel from face, glances in mirror). Well, at least I didn't before.

    Does Preparation H come with a money back guarantee?

    Looks like we've ALL missed yo, Mary (I know I have!). Where else do people leave 105 comments on a 4 sentence long post? :)

  18. How can I look at your nose when you forget to add a picture of it?

    You mean it's gone?

  19. Lol! Good one, Nancy!!

    Then again beards might be one of those "post" signs you mentioned earlier...

  20. My nose is now healing and looks like Pinochio's

    How is your nose Nancy?

  21. Thanks for asking, Victor. (looks in mirror again).... nose? what nose?

  22. Oh you two crack me up! Thanks for the laugh :)

  23. Gosh ... my nose is now so big it enters the house half-an-hour before me.
