Monday, July 27, 2009

The bottom falls out

I see now, in hindsight that the Lord never abandoned my family. Though we suffered very much, he was always there. Here is my mother's next post:

At Mary's request, I will tell you about the events following my second word - " Satan has asked that you be sifted as wheat! " (The bottom fell out.)

Within months, our business failed. I became ill. My husband was depressed. The children were frantic. We had no money for food or fuel or anything else. I prayed - prayed -prayed ..... "Lord, have you abandoned us? " Within a few days, we suddenly discovered our furnace restarted. We miraculously had heat (which lasted for three weeks, even though the tank read "empty").

One morning, before anyone else was up, I found seventeen $10 bills in an envelope on my kitchen counter. Everyone was asleep - the doors were locked. No one knew anything about it. Where did the money come from?

My husband went grocery shopping. We were able to restock for 3 or 4 weeks. (This was in 1978.)

At this point, I have to tell you about a most tender miracle.... my children loved mashed potatoes; but we were trying to ration the potatoes so they would last.

I made and served the potatoes with the rest of the food; and I told my children they could each have one serving, but as they were eating, the bowl of mashed potatoes never emptied, the children had their fill; and I went into the next room and cried, because I had witnessed a most
tender miracle from my heavenly father. I was bowled over by the oil for the furnace and the seventeen $10 bills... but this last one touched my heart so deeply I could not hold back the tears.

More is coming, but this is enough for now.



  1. This is amazing. Gave me goosebumps as I read it. Having recently resigned from full time office work to be a mom to my own children this has really touched me. I have abondoned the security of that pay cheque to be where I sense God truly wants me to be, I know that days of skimping and rationing may be ahead. This post was a great reminder that as always the Lord provides! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Tima,when I posted this for my Mom it gave me goosebumps too because I was viewing it through her eyes and not with the eyes of the chid that I was then. My mother and I will pray for you as you follow God's leading.

  3. Mary,
    It sounds like your mom and me have alot in common. Thank you for sharing. Sometimes they say miracles happen on the 11th hour or 11 oclock and many, many of mine have. Even to the point that we almost lost our house to foreclosure and on the very day on my door step was a package from a mortgage lender called, the "start over"plan. God's hand was all over that one.

  4. Linda,
    That definitely is the hand of God! I will tell my mom about your comment,she won't use a computer.She writes her posts by hand and I print them on the blog for her.

    God is good!
