Thursday, April 1, 2010


The Babe beheld his mother's eyes
As tenderly she soothed his cries
Filled with love and motherly joy
Mary caressed her baby boy

Throughout his life these eyes of grace
Followed Him from place to place
Until one day they mournfully
Followed Him to Calvary

Pierced by sorrow, stung by grief
She crawled beneath the witness tree
The Lord gazed down, beheld his mother
As one last time they looked at each other

Her eyes spoke forever, a love so profound
They rained their sorrow upon the ground
And those beautiful eyes first seen at his birth
Were the last eyes He saw as He left the earth


  1. Mary, your lovely poem reminded me of scenes from the Passion of the Christ. Beautiful.

  2. I LOVE this! Can you imagine being there and actually seeing the pain and sorrow in both of their eyes?

  3. "The last eyes He saw as He left the Earth."

    What a reflection. I never thought about that.

    Have a blessed Good Friday.

  4. Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments. The two poems need work but I was determined to get the rough drafts up during Holy Week. I often write my poetry during meditations on Christ's passion, I guess that's why so many of my poems are about that :) May this Holy Day be fruitful for all of you. God bless you!
