Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sabbath Moments - Soaking in the Rays of His Heart

Sabbath Moments are moments when we let go and let God and try to live in the present moment. This weekly meme is hosted by Colleen at Thoughts on Grace.

This week I spent some time with the Lord in adoration. A small chapel in our city exposes the Eucharist during the week and I enjoy my visits there. After a period of prayer, I sit in silence and "listen" to what God speaks to my heart. I try to cast all cares and worries away and simply focus on Jesus. It's very peaceful and I always leave feeling blessed. To be in His Presence and just absorb the love that He so wants to share with us is a gift beyond measure. We do not understand the fullness of the blessings and healing we receive through Eucharistic adoration and probably won't until we get to heaven. When I go to adoration I know that I am "bathing" in Jesus' Mercy and "soaking" in His Love. How our souls must shine when we depart!


  1. Wow Mary you know I love this post! Bathing in Jesus' mercy. What an awesome thing! Thank you dear heart for sharing! Blessings.

  2. You know ... I'm so envious when you say "A small chapel in our city exposes the Eucharist during the week and I enjoy my visits there."

    Here, churches are usually locked for fear of vandalism and stealing. Very few churches are left open all day!

    God bless.

  3. JBR and Colleen,
    I know that Jesus' mercy is always there for us, forgiving us and washing us clean, and I am so thankful for it!

  4. Victor,
    Quite a few of our churches are locked, also. I know which ones are open, though :) Our city is not very large and I know where all the churches are (the ones in the neighboring town, too).

  5. "Bathing" and "Soaking" ... what wonderful words to use to recount your experience. Just reading that made my feel blessed!

    God Bless.
