Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sunday Snippets

Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival Once again it's time to join RAnn for her Sunday Snippets Meme. Sunday Snippets give bloggers a chance to share their posts with other bloggers. This week I'd like to share the following posts with everyone. The first is a recent post on the charism of prophecy : . The second post is an older post that I feel drawn to repost at this time: Sometimes we forget how all-encompassing God's love is. The very fact that we sit here breathing and moving is proof in itself that we live in Love. Life is a gift. Life is good.

Thank you, Father of all, for the greatest gift, life itself.


  1. Am off to read the recommended sites..:-) Hugs

  2. Thanks, Bernie! And I'm off to read yours right now :)
