Saturday, February 27, 2010

I'm full!

You should probably stop feeding me so much humble pie. It's Lent, Lord, I'm supposed to be fasting .


  1. Mary, thank you very much for your prayers for us and for Hawaii. I really appreciate it. God bless.

  2. Oh sweet Mary, don't I know that humble pie full feeling....I think most of us have felt it during our lives......:-) Hugs

  3. Like Vitamin C, its taste is bittersweet, but so good for you :)

  4. Jesus meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine. - I grew up with this prayer from grade school. So why is it that when He answers the prayer I don't like how He does it? Speaking as an expert in righteous indignation! That's my sign that there's to much of me and not enough of Him. Love you, Mary.

  5. Pip, Barb, and Bernie,
    Exactly! Humility is good for me so I pray for it[sometimes] and He's quick to answer this one. I'm frustrated because my body is failing me lately and there are things I have to do. But how can I do them when my body won't let me? It's humbling to realize that even in my daily tasks I need grace to accomplish them.
