Monday, March 15, 2010

New In Christ

There are times when our minds can greatly hold us back. We are told we are new creations in Christ but our thoughts disagree. God's word is truth but sometimes things change over a period of time instead of instantly. Plus, we can be our own worst enemies. The best advice I could ever give anyone is to capture their thoughts in Christ. Especially those who are troubled. Let me explain what I mean:

Even before my AHA! moment in the Lord's presence I was aware that my thinking was all messed up and that not everyone thought the way I did. My thoughtlife reeked. Stinking thinking. This doesn't just happen to alcoholics, it happens to many, many people. As a matter of fact, I think most people have at least occasional problems in this area. I rarely drink [though I had my moments when I was younger as you have read]. People tend to connect this type of thinking with addictions only but I believe that most people have this; some more than others. I tried to overcome this through various means when I was younger but nothing stuck. Probably because I was not in a state of grace. After God removed the scales from my soul, I still had to work on my mind. I'll probably have to always do this. God has my hand now, so it is much easier.

After my conversion I REALLY became aware of just how negative my thought life was. Removing this thinking [with God's grace] became a daily thing. At first I literally had to do this on a constant basis. It was like retraining the mind. Out with the old with the new. Pay attention to your thoughts for a while. When you notice negative thoughts creeping in, call on the Lord. For those who were raised in very dysfunctional households, remember this:
You are not what others think you are, no one knows you but God. We become layered with other people's misconceptions of us until we cannot even see ourselves. Throw out everything that others have told you and ask the Lord to reveal your true self. It may be gradual [or not] but God will show you that only His perception of you is the true one. And you are His child. Counterattack your unloving thoughts about yourself with the knowledge that He loves you. He loves you with an infinite love. Believe in this. It is total truth. Let Him love you; you were created to live in this love.

I am laughing because I am getting witness after witness of this great love God has for each and every one of us as I write this. The Holy Spirit is confirming this truth. None are excluded from this love. He never walks away from us - we walk away from Him.

You are free in the name of Christ. Believe this.

"Do not conform yourself to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect."    Romans 12:2

It pleases the Father to give us The Kingdom!


  1. What a GREAT post! It is so true that let others and the world influence so much of our lives that we forget who and what we truly are...Children of God and he doesn't make useless/worthless junk. You must have been inspired when you wrote this.

  2. Thanks, Mary :) You're right, He doesn't make junk. It took me a long time to realize this. I was hoping my post may make it easier for someone else to understand this without having to go through as much pain. Maybe someone will see the truth of God's love.

    When I was writing the post I felt on fire with love for God. I received a word of knowledge that He was going to heal someone that I have been praying for regularly, so this made me very happy. The healing is a spiritual and emotional one. These are the best kinds!

  3. Mary it took me decades to realize just what you have said in your post......I love that you are so far ahead of me and know God in such a personal way.....a journey we must all take if we want an eternity with him....Hugs

  4. Bernie,
    No, I'm not ahead of you. Actually, I'm learning a lot from you :) Your comment made me laugh because I don't think you realize how much you touch people's hearts! God bless you, Bernie.

  5. Colleen,
    Yes we are:) You're another one that I've learned a lot from. I think God leads me to certain blogs for this purpose. Now, if only you could teach me how to stop complaining! I'm working on that one!

  6. Mary, I really like the following:

    "For those who were raised in very dysfunctional households, remember this:
    You are not what others think you are, no one knows you but God. We become layered with other people's misconceptions of us until we cannot even see ourselves"

    This really spoke to me just now. What I quoted above was well put as I can simply very much relate. I think it helps too if we have people around us that can see the beatiful parts that Jesus sees, and who He really created us to be.

    I've been praying hard for a much needed and long awaited release into what I believe the Lord would have me do. And, this has much to do with what you have written about. Thank you for going with your heart here. Beautiful thoughts.

  7. There is so much truth in this post Mary! You are very wise. On the days I remember to ask the Blessed Mother to help me take all my thoughts captive to obey Christ, it is better for me to block out the negative thoughts Satan sends my way. My estranged husband (who is a recovering alcoholic) struggles with a "reeking thoughtlife" so I pray for him as well. I KNOW God sent me to this blog for sure!! God Bless.
    (I feel like we are friends already)
    How are you feeling this week so far?
    Hugs and Prayers,

  8. Cheri,
    Thank you for your comment. I know you are going through a lot of changes right now and you have very little support. I think that is one of the reasons God is revealing himself to you so much, so you know that He has you in his hands. I am praying for you. You are right in saying it helps when others see the beauty in each of us that God put there. Everyone has special qualities and gifts that are unique to only them but often others fail to see it. Every person has a purpose and is part of God's plan. May God continue to guide you and open doors for you to make the road smoother for you :)

  9. Lynn,
    I'm sorry, things must be very hard for you with young children. I will pray for him. Of course we are friends :) I think God leads people to certain blogs on purpose because He knows that friendships will form. Plus, we can all learn from each other. My husband calls you
    "Is" for some reason. He'll tell me, "Mary, Is just left a comment!" I keep telling him your name is Lynn but he insists on calling you Is :) So, if you ever get a comment on your blog [my husband sometimes peaks at blogs] and it's written to "Is", it's HIM not ME! :)

  10. OK Mary, I understand all this, and is truly an area I need so much help on. I think my stumbling block is that I believe the negative thoughts. Such a battle raging in my mind and heart. On one level I know the evil one uses my weakness -- on another level it's not enough to know it because it doesn't stop the belief I already hold about myself. Such a battle.

  11. Julia,
    It's a tough battle, probably one that we will have to continue to fight. Luckily, the battle was already won by Jesus' victory over death, so we truly are new in Christ. Sometimes it takes our minds a bit of time to catch up to our souls :) Satan would like to see this view of ourselves accepted and even embraced, but it is not truth. God's truth will win out in the end if we trust Him :)

  12. Mary, that cracks me up! Too cute. It's because my profile picture pops up with my initials ls (small l, small s) so it probably looks like 'Is' at first glance. Hugs
