Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Duty calls

Maybe I should call this post, "The DUTY of the present moment". And yes...I mean duty literally. Welcome to the world of Mary Nicescrubber. Perhaps I should explain in more detail. Yours truly decided to go do her rosary at church before Mass today. This is my typical Wednesday routine. I entered the church and my weak bladder started screaming at me so I headed for the ladies room. Lo and behold, upon entering the ladies room (much to my horror) I found the wall, floor, and toilet, plastered with dried up diarrhea. "Please Lord, no. Not this. Anything but this, Lord." I admit that I considered ignoring it but I couldn't, after all it's Holy Week and it's the Lord's house. I didn't have any gloves or cleaning supplies with me so I found Father K. and explained the situation (without one giggle).Try explaining to a priest that someone did their duty all over the floor and walls and you can probably guess that I was trying to smother some laughter.  He gave me the key and I locked up the bathrooms and then went over to the rectory to look for cleaning supplies. Gail (a wonderful lady who works in the office) helped me find disinfectant,a scrubbing sponge and paper towels but we couldn't find any gloves. I grabbed sandwich baggies to cover my hands and went back and scrubbed that bathroom. I gagged the whole time. I finished just in time for Mass :)

No bargaining this time, Lord. One thousand souls out of purgatory free and clear. I love you, Jesus :)


  1. I am humbled at reading your post.

    Many, I included, could not have cleaned that toilet.

    God bless you always.

  2. Victor,
    My husband always laughs when he reads your comments, you have a wonderful sense of humor :) My daily duties didn't stop there. My mom came over to visit me this afternoon and stepped in dog poo outside, it took me 15 minutes to clean her shoe. And then my dog went on my hall floor! What are the chances?!! 3 times in one day? God is funny like that:) And I bet you could have cleaned it as long as you put a clothespin over your nose;)

  3. I know what you mean about dog poo. I hate having to pick it up ... my dog has at last learnt to go in just one corner of the garden. So at least it isn't all over the garden now.

    Next I have to teach him to use the toilet ... but he insists on leaving the seat up!

  4. Sounds like my husband! The leaving the seat up I mean, not the pooing in the garden ;)

  5. Oh Mary, I am like Victor. I have a very weak stomach and I am sure I would of been sick and made everything worse. God Bless you my friend, you are special......:-) Hugs

  6. Bernie,
    Then I'm glad you weren't there or I would have had to work double-duty;)

  7. Colleen,
    Life is funny like that, God has a great sense of humor...even in our daily duties :)

  8. Oh my. I can't even imagine how all that poop got all over the place. God bless you. What a penance! As far as the dogs go... we have two rescue dogs and doggie clean-up has to happen twice a day at our house or walking in the yard becomes a challenge. God bless you again. I would not have liked to do the clean-up.

  9. Barb,
    Yes, it was pretty gross but I'm like you - I offer everything up so I'm sure the Lord brought good out of it. God bless you, Barb, I am praying for you and your mom.
